Submit a Complaint

The Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (“Board”) is created “to safeguard life, health, property, and the public welfare of this state, and in order to protect the people of this state against unauthorized, unqualified, and improper application of psychology.” The Board takes seriously this obligation and conducts investigations and take such actions necessary to carry out this charge in accordance with LA R.S. 37:2351- 2378 et al.; the Louisiana Administrative Code Title 46, Part LXIII. Psychologists (Psychology Laws); and the Louisiana Administrative Procedures Act (LAPA), LA R.S. 49:950 et seq.

Please submit your complaint securely by completing the online complaint form below and uploading any supporting documentation.

Please be advised that the Board is not permitted or authorized to:

If the Board determines after investigation that disciplinary proceedings should be initiated against the professional’s license or registration, please be advised of the following:

Note: Filing a complaint with the Board does not preclude you from filing a separate civil or legal action. If you believe your allegations may constitute a criminal violation, please contact your local law enforcement agency regarding the procedure for filing a criminal complaint.

Required fields are denoted by this symbol:

Complainant Information

NOTICE: LAC:46.LXIII.§1503.D.1. provides that "[e]xcept under unusual circumstances, the board will take no action on anonymous complaints." The Board may investigate anonymous complaints if independently verifiable information is provided in the Request for Investigation. Such independently verifiable information includes, but is not limited to, dates of treatment, insurance company/third party payor, names and contact information of witnesses to the alleged action or inaction, case names and numbers, parish/date of arrest, treatment record(s), and/or evaluation report(s).

Is this an anonymous complaint?
I am...
Use the following format: 999-999-9999. Format must be 999-999-9999. This field is required.
Format must be 99999 or 99999-9999.

Person Being Investigated

Use the following format: 999-999-9999. Format must be 999-999-9999. This field is required.
Format must be 99999 or 99999-9999.


General Nature of Investigation Request
You may choose more than one.
Include specific details such as, names, dates, particulars about the alleged violation(s), or other pertinent facts.

By my signature below, I affirm that the information provided is true, and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand by filing this complaint, I do authorize the Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists to investigate and resolve this matter in accordance with the Board's rules and regulations.